As Rav Eph always says....
Team Eph |
Valley Stream , NY
Team Eph
There is no turning back now! You are on my page - reading this - and I see you!
My campaign image above says it all for me. That is my nephew Elisha braving the waters on the beach at Acadia National Park this past summer. He and I took a road trip north after he came in from Israel to New York. That was after his year of hell, fighting - and beating - cancer and all the terrible $#*! that goes along with it. I was always in touch with him (almost daily) throughout his battle, but our trip was extra special because I got to see him on the other side, just appreciating life! He was never down (at least to me) - even during the darkest hours. He was always pushing me to believe things would be okay in the end - to have faith. I have so much respect for him. So I am raising these funds in his honor. But also....for my mom who has transformed into a superhero before my eyes and has found a home with i-Shine to flex her superpowers. My parents are being honored at the Chai Lifeline Gala this year - so for me, Elisha, Amy, my parents, Kobe...whatever motivates you - please give!
My campaign image above says it all for me. That is my nephew Elisha braving the waters on the beach at Acadia National Park this past summer. He and I took a road trip north after he came in from Israel to New York. That was after his year of hell, fighting - and beating - cancer and all the terrible $#*! that goes along with it. I was always in touch with him (almost daily) throughout his battle, but our trip was extra special because I got to see him on the other side, just appreciating life! He was never down (at least to me) - even during the darkest hours. He was always pushing me to believe things would be okay in the end - to have faith. I have so much respect for him. So I am raising these funds in his honor. But also....for my mom who has transformed into a superhero before my eyes and has found a home with i-Shine to flex her superpowers. My parents are being honored at the Chai Lifeline Gala this year - so for me, Elisha, Amy, my parents, Kobe...whatever motivates you - please give!